The artisans’ success largely depends on pride in his vocation. Being commercially successful does not necessarily bring pride; recognition and respect is what counts. To encourage artisans to continue their tradition, excellence in work, and contribute to the community, the National Craft Council presents awards, prizes, medals, and certificates in all fields of creative work to honour quality, merit, and excellence in creations. Such awards are, distributed at the Provincial and National levels.
Provincial Exhibitions
Sri Lanka has nine provinces. Annual exhibitions are held in, each province. Awards, Prizes, Medals, and Certificates are, distributed to works of quality according to merit. The best exhibits are, selected for participation at the National level. Workmanship, creativity, design, innovation are the criteria applied in selection.
“Shilpa Abhimani” Presidential Awards Handicrafts Competition & Exhibition
“Shilpa Abhimani” is a celebration of our handicrafts heritage. Held annually, in a mood of fun, frolic, entertainment, and exclusive shopping for handicraft products, visitors convert it into a celebration of merriment and festivity. Shilpa captures the hearts and minds of visitors and blossoms forth, resplendent and alive, with crafts and craftsperson.
At this National Handicrafts Exhibition, 54 fields of handicraft classified under 20 basic sections are, represented. Gold Awards are, presented for traditional and modern segments that preserve tradition. National Awards are categorised as Silver and covers every field. In addition, financial awards and certificates for the first, second and third places are given.